Principal’s Message
Scoil Chaoimhín Naofa (St. Kevin’s NS) has been at its current location since 1934. We are situated idyllically in the Glendalough Valley so our students have access to a learning environment that is unique and on our doorstep.
Our school is run by a hard-working and supportive Board of Management and has an active Parent’s Association whose involvement is encouraged and appreciated. We have five mainstream classrooms and two classes for children with Autism. We have two hard surface play areas and a deciduous woodland where plans are underway to develop an outdoor classroom.
We are a child-centred school and we aim to create an environment where the children feel safe, comfortable and happy. We are committed to the holistic development of the children in our care, and to making a positive difference in their lives enabling them to live in a global society.
We are a co-educational, Roman Catholic primary school, under the patronage of the Archbishop of Dublin. We are an inclusive school and have a strong, dynamic and interactive relationship with our local community. While our school reflects its distinctly Irish cultural, social, economic and religious past we also strive to increasingly, take cognisance of the changing nature of society.
If additional information is needed, feel free to contact the school at 0404 45460 or emailing