2022/2023 Admission
School Chaoimhín Naofa Admission Notice 2022-2023 went live on the website today, Friday 1st October 2021. Admission Applications for 2022-2023 will be accepted from 1st November to 30th November 2021. To see our Admission Policy, Admission Notice or to download and Admission Application Form please visit the “Our School” section of our website and navigate down to “Policies”.
Junior Infants in the Newspaper!
We have a wonderful new group of Junior Infants this year. We welcome Cillian, Tom, Noah, Daniel, Emma, Kate, Noah, Logan, Jade, Alex, Ben and Saoirse to our school.
We hope you have a lot of fun growing and learning in our school!
5th and 6th Class Book Reviews
This March and April, during School Closures due to the Pandemic of Covid-19, the pupils in 5th and 6th class have worked extremely hard at home.
The class have enjoyed spending quality time outdoors with their families in the beautiful weather and they have also been busy with their school work. One of the tasks they were asked to complete was ‘to write a book review of a book they have read over quarantine’.
The children kindly decided to share their reports, in hope that it would inspire others to get reading or encourage them to read their chosen book review novel.
The pupils included the following information in their reviews:
Title, Author, Illustrator, Publisher, Chapter and Page Numbers, Main Characters, Setting, Short Summaries, Personal thoughts and Opinions, Recommendations and Ratings.
Check out their wonderful book reports below.
Happy reading - We hope you enjoy!
Internet Safety Day 2020
Internet Safety Day 2020 📲
5th and 6th class read about and explored the rules, user rights and company rights of various social media apps, such as: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat and YouTube.
The class had some very interesting discussions about how young people use these apps.
Then, they created posters based on their learning to raise awareness in our school about Internet Safety when using these social media apps.
Here is a sneak peek of their pair work and posters - Excellent work!
Write a Book Project 2020
Write a book project 2020 📚
During the last few months, the pupils have explored the 'Narrative writing genre'.
They put a huge effort into planning, writing, and editing their books.
The pupils should be so proud of their work!
Go maith as an tSárobair!