We still use an old school bell and we love it!
School Day
The school gates open each day at 8.40a.m.
The bell rings and children assemble at 8.50am.
Classes end at 2.30p.m. (1.30p.m. for Junior and Senior Infants).
The school accepts no responsibility for children arriving before the official opening time or remaining in the school grounds after school.
Only on wet days are children allowed into the school building before 8.50a.m. and only when invited to do so by a teacher.
Should a child be late for school, an explanation to the school secretary is required.
A listing of holidays/school closings etc. is issued in September each year.
Parents should satisfy themselves that the school is open for work before leaving their child at the school.
Children are not allowed to leave the school premises during school hours unless a parent/guardian collects them.
Parents/Guardians are obliged to sign-out with the school secretary when taking a child home.
All Parents/Visitors to the school are requested to report to the School Office and enter/exit through the reception door by the Hall.
To avoid disruption of classes we ask parents/guardians not to make casual calls to the classroom except in exceptional circumstances. Parents who wish to meet a teacher are requested to make an appointment.